Monday, August 13, 2012

When life gives you lemons...

My Corner of the Thirty One World--Shop Here

No matter how hard you work, how well you prepare, or how diligently you try, life will occasionally hand you lemons.  When life gives you lemons, you can either choose to make lemonade or make life take the lemons back.  Personally, I don't care much for lemonade so I guess that leaves making life take the lemons back.  I am going to make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson me lemons!  For those that don't recognize this little rant in the making, it is from a video game that we really like, Portal 2.  This Cave Johnson guy goes on a complete rant about what to do when life gives you lemons and it ends with a discussion about burning life's house down...with lemons!  See below for the entire is definitely worth reading if not finding on youtube!

Okay, there was a point to this post and we are going to get back to it! 

So life didn't just hand me lemons last week, it dumped a metric s*** ton in my lap...or so it felt at the time.  I lost my job last week.  I have spent the last year busting my rear for this company and this is what I get...pulled into an office with a group of people on a random Thursday with no warning and told that its all over.  So what did I do?  The only thing I could think of at the time; I held my held, got in my car, and balled for about the next two hours.  When I finally stopped the water works I started thinking, and planning, and scheming, and by the end of the night I had already secured a part time job and put out at least a dozen resumes. 

Now I don't live in a place that is exactly swamped with jobs right now.  I expect it to take a while to find something in my field.  However, I do not expect to be just a grad student and housewife.  Oh no, I would never be happy not contributing to the household income...that is just how I am.  So I decided to try my hand at selling Thirty-One products.  I got myself all signed up over the weekend and now I am ready to start selling.  This is where you all come in.  At this point in my life, I literally can't afford to be proud.  So as hard as this is for me, I am asking you all to help me by either booking an online or catalog party, making a purchase, or sharing this post and link with everyone you know.  Please help us keep our heads above water.

There is a link below at the bottom of this post, and up at the top, that takes you to my little corner of the Thirty-One world.  Follow it, and go to my parties under the picture all the way to the right.  The party is Kristyn's Launch Party and will be open until 8/27/2012!  Thank you so much in advance for everything I know you are about to do for me!

Thank you for being such wonderful friends, family, and fans.


My Corner of the Thirty One World--Shop Here

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Become Friends with The Button Biter on Facebook!

I have been getting a lot of questions and comments through Facebook lately and will be addressing many of them on there.  Make sure to friend The Button Biter on Facebook so you don't miss out!  Also, remember to follow the blog here to keep up to date on new posts and tutorials!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Carpet Cleaning Magic

Everyone loves a good party!  Minus the host when it comes time to clean everything up the next day...or in my case over the next month!  My birthday was back at the end of June and my friends and I decided to throw a huge party!  It was uh-mazing!  We had a killer sound and light system (thanks Matt), spiked gummy bears, glow in the dark and black light body paints, and one heck of a party juice!  At one point we were jump roping with glow stick "ropes", at another we were going crazy to Cotton Eyed Joe, and before the night was over we had been to the pool and back!  All of my new neighbors came out and celebrated with us and I found out that my floor at Maddy Manor is where it's at!  The next day was followed by our traditional post drinking cracker barrel breakfast and then I was off to finish cleaning up my home.  I have to give my guests props because no one knocked over any cups or spilled their drinks...however, they weren't so good about wiping off their cups after filling it with juice and I found little red droplets all over my living room.  I tried traditional carpet cleaner, oxy-clean, vinegar, baking soda, a steam cleaner, a shampooer...nothing got the stains out.  I had all but given up hope of ever having a clean floor again when I found this post Freckle Face Girl.  It only took the spot test for me to fall completely in love with this method of getting stubborn spots out of carpet!

What You Need:
-Spray Bottle
-Iron w/ Steam Setting
-White Towels (white bar towels work great and they are cheap)

What You Do:
-Mix 1 part ammonia with 1 part water in the spray bottle
-Turn on iron and let it heat until it begins to steam

Saturate the stain in the ammonia solution

Cover the area with a white towel and iron for 20 seconds
The stain absorbs into the towel and when you lift it....
The stain is gone...the steam makes it look bleached here

Be careful not to breath in the steam when you are doing this and make sure no one walks over the area for a few minutes as the carpet gets extremely hot!