Thursday, May 3, 2012

We Got the Apartment!

We are very excited to say that we got the tiny apartment I posted about a while back!  Well not quite that exact apartment but an identical one in a different building!  This one is definitely in better repair...the cabinets all hang straight and close securely, the kitchen floor is free of gashes and the best part is that it is a first floor apartment so it has a small patio instead of a balcony...the patio is about 10 sq. ft larger than the balcony so we actually have some usable space.  The only downside is the move in date...we can't move in until July 1st...sad face! 

Even though the moving date is just under two months away, I have a lot to get done before then!  Our current place is just over 1200 sq. ft and the new place is just under 900.  First things first I need to downsize!  The hubby doesn't have very much but I have wayyyy too much for this little apartment to handle.  I plan on spending the next month going room by room and collecting all the things we don't need and putting them into the yard sale stash.  Hopefully we will get a good weekend in early June that I can use to have a yard sale with some friends and co-workers.  Any money I make from it goes into the project fund for the new place! 

My first project at the new place is going to be the patio!  I can't decide if I want to go with a nautical theme with reds and blues or a more playful look with a variety of bright colors and patterns.  The hubby will get to decide I suppose!  The patio is small but it has some potential...after a good scrub down that is!  I want to find some outdoor storage benches and outfit them with some comfy cushions.  Lately I have loved the look of outdoor curtains so I definitely plan on hanging some to provide privacy and mosquito control!  The area is too small for a permanent table so I thought some re-designed TV trays would be an appropriate solution as I can store them in the outside closet when we are not using them.  There is a 3.5' wall that closes in the entire patio that will be perfect for sitting a few potted plants and citronella candles on so we can sit outside in peace!  As for lighting I haven't figured that one out yet but I feel like I am going to have to wait until we actually get in there so I can get a better feel for the space.

July feels like it is ages away but I have so much to get done before then!

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