Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ah Moving Week, You Are Finally Here!

My first thought this morning was that Jason and I are officially the tenants of our new apartment!  I got out of bed and daydreamed about getting to pick up the keys after work and give the new place a good scrub down while I was getting ready for work.  I stopped at the same place I do everyday to get my morning coffee and then it hit me...this is the last week that I will stop in every morning.  I will have a new place on my new side of town come Monday.  Then it hit me again.  This complex was my first home on my own.  It is where I learned to sink or swim, where I began my business, where we celebrated our engagement and planned our wedding, and where I broke my toe on the front steps twice.  As unhappy as we may have been for the last couple of months, there are still some really good memories.  Packing up and moving this weekend will be a bittersweet event.  Okay emotional time is over, time to start focusing on the move again!

The Ladies of 134 A

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