Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If April Showers Bring May Flowers, What Do April Snow Storms Bring?

Right now, I am sitting at my desk looking out of one of my windows at SNOW FLURRIES.  Seriously!  I waited all winter for snow and now that I have broken out the flip-flops and packed away the snow boots here it comes again.  Personally, I am going to stay here in denial and pretend it is just ash from the not-so-far away forest fire that currently has George Washington National Park ablaze.  I have been incredibly lazy the last two weekends and have done absolutely no crafts.  If life would stop getting in the way I would probably have half of my to-make list done by now...oh well, c'est la vie.  So for now all I have is a promise that I have managed to stay on top of work, I am still doing well in school, and life has not yet managed to defeat me!  Hopefully I will find some time this weekend to have some fun in my craft corner!  However, I will have to spend some time doing a deep cleaning on the table since my wonderful cat decided to break open a bottle of Mod Podge and roll in it.  Let me tell you, that was some kind of fun trying to wash all of that out of her fur.  It took about an hour and half a bottle of kitty shampoo to get her un-gunked.  She was a trooper though!  So for now I am still stuck at work...why oh why did I volunteer for the long shift.  Since this week is spring break for me I plan on spending the weekend doing some fun projects.  I was finally able to track down some freezer paper so I plan on attempting to make freezer paper stencils and seeing how that goes! 

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