Monday, April 2, 2012

Organizing my Craft Corner

It has only taken three months, but I finally got around to really organizing my craft corner...ok, well now it is more like my craft half of our living room!  Previously, my corner consisted of a long table, a chair, an ironing board, and a mess of stuff piled up up the table.  This weekend I stole two of our cubical shelving units from one side of the living room and put them to work holding organized containers of supplies.  I grabbed a couple of woven baskets that I bought from Ikea when I got my first apartment and used them to store scrap fabric and newspapers for surface protection.  Once I had all of the large stuff organized and stored away, I started working on the items that were oddly shaped, easily damaged, etc. that I didn't want to throw onto shelves with everything else.  For these items, I found careful spots under my table or on my wall!  My final touches included a hanging basket on the end of the table for scraps of scrapbook paper, a cutting station on the end of the shelves to prevent burying my paper cutter under clutter, elevated wire racks for drying items, and hanging craft towels from a embroidery hoop on the wall for quick and easy access.

These cheap wire racks (kitchen org. at Wal-Mart) keep drying items out of dangers way

All of my stencils are safe from getting bent or turn when they are up on the wall.

Hey look I can actually find stuff now!

All of my scraps of paper are safely tossed in here to be used later!

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you....want to come here and organize my crafting area? Evidently you did not inherit this trait from me.
