Monday, April 2, 2012

Twinkle Twinkle Little Jar

Back in March, I had to say goodbye to my sister, brother in-law, and 7 month old nephew as they jetted off to Hawaii for 3 years.  This is an amazing opportunity for my brother in-law, Josh, as it puts him working on a submarine...his dream!  As happy as I am for him, not to mention proud, it absolutely killed me to say goodbye to Jessica and Finnlee (aka Boogie).  I am the kind of person that finds something small and stupid to fixate on when I am upset or stressed out and this mega-move was no exception.  I spent some time researching Hawaii and I found out that they supposedly have no lightning bugs there.  How can you not have lightning bugs?  What do those poor kids do for fun?  I mean, it is a staple of childhood as I know it to capture helpless lightning bugs in a jar and then let them free when mom says its bedtime...unless you are my husband who, as a child, smeared dead lightning bugs on his skin so he could glow too.  So I got completely fixated on the idea of Boogie not having lightning bugs to catch and decided I had to bring them to him.  Well, the decent person buried deep down inside of me said that attempting to ship a jar full of lightning bugs to Hawaii was not only gross but also murder in the first degree.  As usual, I was on Pinterest one day--really its amazing that I still have a job--and I saw this post for glow in the dark jars.  I decided to try it out and I thought the results were awesome.  I love seeing my jars still glowing in the dark corner of my living room known as the craft corner as I am leaving for work in the wee hours of the morning.  I found some awesome neon colored glow in the dark paint online and am impatiently awaiting its arrival so that I can make my jars glow as brightly as the ones in the pictures on Pinterest.  As you can tell by my picture, a not so great camera does not do justice to the glow my jar has!  

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