Monday, April 2, 2012

Coasters and Trivets

Coaster are incredibly easy, quick, and fun to make.  I spent a few hours of the weekend playing with ceramic tiles, Mod Podge, acrylic paints, scrapbook paper, card stock, and stencils and here is what I came up with:

Top Row Left to Right--Decoupaged and Stenciled, Decoupaged, Decoupaged, Stenciled
Second Row Left to Right--Decoupaged, Decoupaged and Stenciled, Acrylic Paint, Painter's Tape Stripes
Bottom Row--Layered Sponge Paint

I wanted to play with doilies but surprisingly I couldn't find any while I was out on Saturday.  So I played with what I had and could easily find.  All of the coasters had multiple layers of Mod Podge done on top to seal and protect them!  I am pretty sure the guys at Home Depot thought I was smoking something when I got excited that the tiles were on sale for 9 cents a piece!  They had larger 8 x 10 tiles that I decided to make some cute trivets out of them.  The only difference in the process between doing coasters and trivets is the need to use an acrylic spray finish on the trivets.  Mod Podge is NOT heat resistant so you need to finish it off with a coat or two of acrylic.  I can only imagine the mess it would make to put a hot dish on top of Mod Podge.
My Favorite
A Close Second for Favorite

Acrylic easily peels off of ceramic...I brushed a little too hard over the blue shell


  1. Thanks for the trivet tips. Can you tell me step by step what to do to make a trivet using scrapbook paper. What do you use to set the paper to the ceramic tile? And is the acrylic spray finish nontacky and smudge proof? Also what brand of spray did you use and where did you purchase your supplies at?

    I guess I need baby step instructions.

    Please email me

  2. I would like to have that info as well. Love this idea for gifts!
