Monday, April 2, 2012

Nightstand Revamp

When they kicked me out on my own, okay I willingly went and there was no kicking out, my parents gave my roommate and I these old shaker tables that they had bought back when dinosaurs roamed freely.  They sat in my Harry Potter closet for a couple of months until my roommates decided to get Sugar Gliders and needed an end table to put the cage on.  So we broke these out and put them together.  When Jason and I got our first apartment together, I realized that I really wanted two matching nightstands for our room instead of the short bookshelf and one mushroom table I had been using.  With money being tight, I decided to use these instead of buying new ones.  The unfinished wood look was far from coordinating with our bedroom so I decided to give them a makeover.  A few cans of spray paint and a quick stencil later, I had two much prettier nightstands.  Too bad they are about to be re-done.  The blue wound up being too bright for the rest of the decor we picked out...and by we I mean my girlfriends and I because there was no way in heck I could actually get Jason to plan our bedroom with me! 

Here are some things that I learned the hard way with these bad boys:

2.  Spray paint is quick and fun but also kind of a pain sometimes...INSERT LINK
3.  Wear gloves because spray paint is a *&#@% to get off your hands
4.  Be patient...adequate dry time is not optional

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