Monday, March 26, 2012

Melted Crayon Art

I was browsing Pinterest a few weeks ago and I saw a post about melted crayon art!  I loved how the colors bleed down the canvas and together so I decided to give it ago.  This was my first attempt and it took me a while to figure out splatter control!  My darker colors got all over my lighter ones so I decided to melt them in all different directions and let it be a little more abstract (at least I'd like to think that's what it is!). 

Doing this was quite simple!   All you have to do is take a canvas (you pick what size) and hot glue crayons to the side you want to call the top like so:

Next, you will want to fully cover your work space with newspaper or a drop cloth of some kind, the wax will occassionalyl splatter and it is a pain to get off of tile and walls...just ask my husband! 
Prop your canvas up against the covered wall so that the crayons are up top.  Using a blow dryer, blow hot air onto the crayons at the low power setting.  It is a time consuming project but it's fun.  It took me about 10 minutes per section and I considered this to canvas to have three sections.  After that I spent about an additional 15-20 minutes playing with the wax drips until I was satisfied.  My end product was:

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